At the intersection of feminism, science fiction, and disco, Mothernism aims to locate “the mother-shaped hole in contemporary art discourse.” If the proverbial Mother is perhaps perceived as a persona non grata in the art world, because her nurturing nature is at odds with the hyperbolic ideal of the singular artistic genius, Mothernism amplifies her presence, channeling her energy, complexity, and sublime creative potential in a series of intimate and critical reflections. The resulting collection of letters — dedicated with love from one mother to her dear daughter, sister, mother, and reader — fuse biography, music, art, and history into an auto-theoretical testimony that recalls and redefines the future imperfect.
Since 2013 Mothernism has toured extensively, to (amongst others) The Contemporary Austin (TX), The Poor Farm (WI), and EFA and A.I.R. Gallery (NY). The project was reviewed in Art21, KQED, and Hyperallergic. It spawned the curatorial suite 3AM Maternal at Vox Populi in Philadelphia (PA)and the international symposia The Mothernists I+II at Upominki in Rotterdam (2015) and at The Royal Academy of Art in Copenhagen (2017). It also served as the Mothership for the conference “Mapping the Maternal: Art, Ethics, and the Anthropocene” at University of Alberta in Edmonton (CAN)In 2016.
Bibliotheque contains the transcript of the original Thesis, the Book and related writing. Discotheque focuses on documentation the nomadic multi-media installation, related events, and press.